New Year, New Me?

Jigsz Nietes Satapornvanit
2 min readJan 13, 2021

We are nearly two weeks into the new year, 2021. What a year 2020 has been! Even then we have experienced many changes already in the way we did things, due to the pandemic. So many things we took for granted before that we had to do and emphasize doing. Mundane things became our everyday focus. Anyway, so much for the reflections of the past. What about this new year? Is there more that need to be changed? For sure, we change, as seasons change.

So what’s to change for me this year? I want to share one of the new year sermons from church which I consider useful for me in the new year. Hope it will encourage you, too.

“A New Year and A New You”: Notes from Bro Johnny Dammon

5 things to achieve a new you this new year:

1. Forget your failures (sins, mistakes made, etc). Do not live a life imprisoned by your past. God has forgiven us, so move on. Philippians 3:13–142.

2. Give up your grudges, i.e. deep ongoing resentment against another that we cultivate in our hearts, unforgiving attitude. This is self-destructive and will make one bitter, twisted, and imprisoned by anger. Purposely decide to forgive the person who did wrong to you. Colossians 3:133.

3. Restore your relationships. God’s word offer a check on our relationships. Live in peace with everyone. Don’t let it be that we are the reason the relationship is broken. Ask for forgiveness or apologize. Make restitution i.e. making right the things done wrong. Romans 12:184.

4. Turn your back on temptation i.e. resist temptation. Fix our eyes on Jesus. Stop giving in to sin. Stop obeying the old master and start obeying the new (Jesus). Hebrews 12:1–2.

5. Get more plugged in to your community of faith and church family. Find a way to be connected/stay connected with God’s people, and be grounded in the Word of God. Be a helper and not a hindrance. We should do our part and participate, in planting, making disciples, and creating vibrant communities living for Christ. Matthew 16:18

We should serve with joy, faithfulness, patience and love.



Jigsz Nietes Satapornvanit

Writer. Entrepreneur. Gender and Development Consultant. Researcher. Teacher. Friend.